Hey folks. Once again, bad roads, virtual day, yadda yadda- you know the drill. :)
Check out this (kind of silly) video: https://youtu.be/OeBG0QIRNtY
It features a really skilled violinist, Rob Landes, playing a series of music clips from video games throughout the years. I'd like you to watch and answer a few questions (in complete sentences, please).
1. What's your favorite clip, and why? Give me details- maybe you like the actual music, maybe you played the video game at some point, whatever.
2. Do you notice any trends in video game music over the set? Is 80s videogame music any different then the 90s, 00s, or 10s?
3. What's your LEAST favorite clip and why?
4. Is there any video game music you feel like he should have included?
5. What's your favorite costume he came up with? :)
Enjoy your day! This one is due on February 27th.
Mr. Widmer