The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Fund was established for the purpose of receiving, investing and dispensing of funds to provide college scholarships to qualified students who are committed to pursuing an education and career in the law enforcement field.
The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee consists of the following members: (2) two sheriffs and (1) one deputy sheriff plus (1) one college or university administrator from each of the four areas of the state. Each member shall be appointed for the term of one year to serve at the pleasure of the president. The committee shall recommend the amount and number of scholarships to be awarded annually. The president of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association shall serve as chairman of the committee and the executive director of the association shall serve as the secretary by virtue of their respective positions. The members of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee shall serve as a screening committee in their respective area of the state and the said screening committee in their respective area of the stat and the said screening committee shall determine the scholarship recipients from that area.
The state of Indiana shall be divided into four separate areas for the purpose fo selecting members of the committee and recipients of the scholarships.
The said scholarship fund was established for the benefit of the members of the association and other qualified individuals. The general qualifications for applicants are: to be an active affiliate or associate member of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association or a dependent child or grandchild of an active affiliate or associate member of the association, be an Indiana resident, attend an Indiana College or University, major in a law enforcement field and enroll as a full-time student (12 hours).
A person who has received a scholarship in a prior year may apply for a renewal of the scholarship for only three successive years. The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee shall determine the regulations and information required to qualify.
Notification of the available scholarship shall be made by printing such notice in THE INDIANA SHERIFF, an official Indiana Sheriffs' Association publication; through each sheriff's office by news release and by mail and/or electronic mail to each high school, college and university in the state. Applications shall also be available from any sheriff's office, the association office, or in the high school office.
For more information, call the Indiana Sheriffs' Association at 1-800-622-4779 or visit Paper Applications can be picked up outside Mrs. Adams' office at the information station.
1. All Applicants must be an Indiana Resident.
2. All Applicants must be committed to pursuing an education and career in a law enforcement field at an Indiana College or University.
3. All applicants must be current member of the Association, OR a dependent child OR grandchild of a current member of the association. If you do not meet the membership requirement, an application for membership is attached to the application. Just complete the application and return it with the Scholarhship Application to meet the requirement.
4. All applicants must enroll as a full-time student (12 hours)
Indiana Sheriffs' Association, 7124 E County Road 150 S, Suite B; Avon, In. 46123-2001
Applications can be picked up outside of Mrs. Adams' office.
Deadline: April 1, 2025