Please see the information provided by PowerSchool regarding their recent cybersecurity incident at
Union School Corporation will share updated information as we are provided it from PowerSchool.

Due to winter weather conditions, Union School Corporation is on a 2-Hour delay for Tuesday, February 18th.

Union School Corporation


Monroe Township Conservation Club - Jack Cronin Scholarship

 In September 1941, the late Jack Cronin was named president of the newly formed Monroe Township Conservation Club - a position he held for many years. Jack believed in continuing education and the wise use of natural resources. 
As a way to remember the leadership and guidance Jack provided to our club and the area surrounding the MTCC, our club has established a scholarship for high school and college students in his honor. This scholarship can be used for books, tuition, lab fees or any cost related to continuing education ­whether it is in a traditional college setting or post-secondary vocational training. Up to two $1200.00 grants will be awarded.
The scholarship is open to ALL students in east central Indiana. The only requirement is that the student cannot have received a Jack Cronin scholarship in the previous year. 
 A copy of the application form can be found outside of Mrs. Adams' office and the requirements for the 500 word (minimum)  essay to accompany the application.  This application can be used for any year, as long as it is postmarked by March 20,2025. 
Applicants do not have to be affiliated with MTCC, nor do they have to be a hunter or involved in shooting sports to qualify. All essays are read and ranked by a committee of members of a committee formed for the sole purpose of objectively evaluating the content of the writing of the student.
If you have questions about this scholarship, or if you desire to contact the club about this scholarship, you may go to and reach out to an officer or you may contact me directly at [email protected]

Paper Applications can be picked up at the Information Station outside of Mrs. Adams' office.
Application Deadline: March 20, 2025

Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Fund

The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Fund was established for the purpose of receiving, investing and dispensing of funds to provide college scholarships to qualified students who are committed to pursuing an education and career in the law enforcement field. 
The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee consists of the following members: (2) two sheriffs and (1) one deputy sheriff plus (1) one college or university administrator from each of the four areas of the state. Each member shall be appointed for the term of one year to serve at the pleasure of the president. The committee shall recommend the amount and number of scholarships to be awarded annually. The president of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association shall serve as chairman of the committee and the executive director of the association shall serve as the secretary by virtue of their respective positions. The members of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee shall serve as a screening committee in their respective area of the state and the said screening committee in their respective area of the stat and the said screening committee shall determine the scholarship recipients from that area.  

The state of Indiana shall be divided into four separate areas for the purpose fo selecting members of the committee and recipients of the scholarships.  
The said scholarship fund was established for the benefit of the members of the association and other qualified individuals. The general qualifications for applicants are: to be an active affiliate or associate member of the Indiana Sheriffs' Association or a dependent child or grandchild of an active affiliate or associate member of the association, be an Indiana resident, attend an Indiana College or University, major in a law enforcement field and enroll as a full-time student (12 hours). 
A person who has received a scholarship in a prior year may apply for a renewal of the scholarship for only three successive years. The Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Committee shall determine the regulations and information required to qualify. 
Notification of the available scholarship shall be made by printing such notice in THE INDIANA SHERIFF, an official Indiana Sheriffs' Association publication; through each sheriff's office by news release and by mail and/or electronic mail to each high school, college and university in the state. Applications shall also be available from any sheriff's office, the association office, or in the high school office.
For more information, call the Indiana Sheriffs' Association at 1-800-622-4779 or visit Paper Applications can be picked up outside Mrs. Adams' office at the information station.
1. All Applicants must be an Indiana Resident.
2.  All Applicants must be committed to pursuing an education and career in a law enforcement field at an Indiana College or University.
3.  All applicants must be current member of the Association, OR a dependent child OR grandchild of a current member of the association.  If you do not meet the membership requirement, an application for membership is attached to the application.  Just complete the application and return it with the Scholarhship Application to meet the requirement.
4.  All applicants must enroll as a full-time student (12 hours)

Indiana Sheriffs' Association, 7124 E County Road 150 S, Suite B; Avon, In. 46123-2001

Applications can be picked up outside of Mrs. Adams' office.

  Deadline: April 1, 2025

James Moorman Scholarship

Qualifications of the Applicants:

*May be male or female

*Must be a resident of Randolph County, In.

*Is a graduate or graduating senior of a Randolph County High School

*Has attended a Randolph County High School both Junior and Senior years

*Is recommended by the Guidance Director or the Principal of the school attended.

*Citizenship, moral character, and need are important qualifications

*Application has been made and accepted at a trade school, technical school, business school, college or university

*The application form has been filled out and submitted

* A transcript or credits is required with a signed release

The Scholarships

The awards are usually $1,000. They are sent to the school named on the application form and applied directly to the cost of tuition and/or other fees.  Special grants may be awarded at the discretion of the Board.

Duration of an Award

Each scholarship award is to be used in the following one year period

Number of Applicants

Each Randolph County High School is asked to send 3 completed applications for the Board's consideration of an award.


Available outside of Mrs. Adams’ office

Due Date

All Applications must to Mrs. Adams no later than Monday, April 15, 2025.

Steins Scholarship




1.         All applications must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee through the applicant's high school.

2.         The applicant must complete the prescribed application form and provide such other relevant information as the Scholarship Committee may request. All information will be treated in a confidential manner.

3.         The completed application form and all attachments should be given to the Guidance Counselor or other designee of the high school. 

4.         Each high school will screen its applicants and submit to the Scholarship Committee a list of those who should be seriously considered for a scholarship.

5.           No member of the family of a director, officer or employee of the Trustee (U. S. Bank) or of the Scholarship Committee shall be eligible for the scholarship. The term "member of the family" shall mean the spouse, child, grandchild or other descendant or the spouse of a  child, grandchild or other descendant of such director, officer or employee.









A.        The applicant must desire to continue his or her education.

B.        The applicant will be selected without regard to race, religion, sex, age or creed, and on the basis of:

                       i.     Financial need;

                      ii.     Academic achievement;

                     iii.     Attitude toward schoolwork;

                     iv.     Initiative;

                      v.     Incentive;

                     vi.     Worthiness;

                    vii.     Willingness;

                   viii.     Citizenship; and

                     ix.     Cooperation.


            However, the greatest emphasis will be placed on the applicant's financial need.

C.        There are no restrictions as to the type of advanced training selected.  The applicant may attend an accredited college or university or an accredited trade or technical school.  The type of training desired should be such as to equip the applicant to earn a living and to make a contribution to the community in which he or she lives.

D.        It is anticipated that the applicant is capable of meeting and maintaining the scholastic requirements of the school selected.

E.         The applicant’s financial need is important. However, it is also anticipated that the applicant will fund part of his or her own expenses.

F.         The Robert F. Stiens and Glenda M. Stiens Scholarship can be applied toward tuition, class fees, and books.  Payments are normally made directly to the school or institution where the student is enrolled.

G.        Once a scholarship has been awarded to an applicant, the scholarship may be removed if the Trustee determines, in its sole discretion, that the applicant no longer meets the criteria set out in paragraph (B) above.  Scholarships are not extended for graduate work.

Applications can be found outside of Mrs. Adams' office.

Horatio Alger Scholarship (For Juniors)

The Horatio Alger Association seeks to assist students who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, and good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society.  

Eligibility Criteria:
To be considered eligible for the Horatio Alger National Scholarship Programs, applicants must:
  1. Be enrolled full-time as a high school junior in the United States, progressing normally toward graduation in spring/summer 2025 with plans to enter a college in the United States no later than the fall following graduation.
  2. Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution.)
  3. Demonstrate critical financial need ($65,000 or lower adjusted family gross income is required)
  4. Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities.
  5. Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity.
  6. Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0
  7. Be a United States citizen.
Application Procedures
To apply for the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs, the following items must be completed by March 1:
  1. An online application at 
  2. One Support Form completed online.  This must be completed by an adult over the age of 21 who is not related to the applicant and who is aware of the adversities mentioned in the application.  This form must be filled out online.  Faxes, emails, or letters will not be accepted.  
  3. Online Certification Form. A login will be emailed to the applicant's counselor.
  4. High school transcript.  Applicants should upload a transcript through the application.  Transcripts must be submitted online and must include completed grades for the Fall 2023 semester.  
  5. Income Verification.  A copy of the first page of the applicant's parent(s) federal tax return (1040, 1040A, 1040 EZ, or 1099 SSA-Social Security form) or tax transcript (request a tax transcript here www.irs/gov/Individuals/Order-a-Transcript) from 2022 is needed in order to verify income stated on the application.  If an applicant's parents were not required to file a tax return, include statement copies of any government benefits, such as Public Assistance or Disability payment documents.  Income verifications may be uploaded online or sent by mail.  Applicants of divorced or legally separated parents need to submit tax forms from both parents.  No emails or faxes accepted.

Union Community Scholarship Fund, Inc.

1.  Senior at Union Jr. Sr. High School
2.  Must attend in-building classes at least half day
3.  One letter of recommendation from a teacher
4.  Completed Application

Application must be turned in to Mrs. Adams no later than March 14, 2025 by 3 p.m.

IU Bloomington Bicentennial Scholarship

Bicentennial Scholarship for $2,500/yr

*Must reside in Randolph (or any of the eligible counties) to receive the scholarship
*No application for the Bicentennial Scholarship; its automatically awarded to admitted students
*No application deadline
*No limit on the number of scholarships awarded

Tri Kappa Scholarship

Tri Kappa is offering a scholarship to Seniors.  At this time there are not any required stipulations to apply.  You may find the application outside of Mrs. Adams' office.

Applications need to be turned into Mrs. Adams no later than Wednesday, March 24, 2025.

Big Future

My BigFuture is a platform to help students explore options after high school.  They may create an account in 10th grade and begin exploring colleges, scholarships, and other information.  As students explore this site, and complete tasks they will be put into drawings for $500 and $40,000 scholarships.  

To create an account, go to Home – BigFuture | College Board 

Horatio Alger Scholarships

While most other scholarships focus exclusively on academic achievement or leadership potential, Horatio Alger Scholarships are also intended for promising students who have critical financial need, demonstrate integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, and are determined to succeed.  

There are undergraduate and career/technical scholarships available.  Visit Scholarships - Horatio Alger  to learn more about available scholarships.  

BSU Miller Leadership Academy Scholarship Opportunity

The Miller Leadership Academy is a scholarship offering $11.000 per year for 4 years of undergraduate education to students who major in business.  The program is open to all students meeting the eligibility criteria, but strong consideration is given to students from underserved and historically marginalized populations whose presence will enhance the learning environment at the Miller College of Business through increased diversity.  You can find more information at:  Miller Leadership Academy | Ball State University

Deadline:  March 1, 2025

Find More Scholarships

High Five Scholarships:     New website with the largest collection of scholarships ever assembled.  Go to
Fastweb Scholarship Search:   Create a profile on the website below and you will be matched with scholarships that best fit your need.

Summit Salon Academy Scholarship

The 2025 High School "Get Inspired Scholarship: requires the following steps:
  1. Complete the application and write an essay of not more than two pages describing why you want a career in the beauty industry.  Be specific explaining why you chose this field and what you expect to accomplish.
  2. Have two adults (outside your family) who know you well write personal letters of recommendation for you.  We are particularly interested in their view of you as a person.
  3. Submit the above-listed items along with your most recent high school transcript to the Academy by the deadline for review by the scholarship committee.
Deadline: April 30, 2025

Jay County Amateur Radio Club Scholarship

Jay County Amateur Radio Club is a small club of local amateur radio operators.  We are located in Jay County, but we have members from several surrounding counties.  We do all things amateur radio including storm spotting, nets (ham operators can check in), field days (twice a year ham operators around the world reach out to get contacts), emergency operations in the event of a disaster of some sort, etc.

We have been very fortunate and would like to pass it on to a local community student.  We are looking to give a single $1.000 scholarship to a student in one of the school districts in several counties represented by our membership.  These counties in Indiana and Mercer County in Ohio.  the category for the application is anything in the Communications Field.  This includes communications, radio industry, and newspaper/journalism.  This can be either for a 2-year or 4-year college and this is open to any state.

We would require a minimum of 150-word essay including the student's name, school, about their family, what career field they are wanting to enter and listing 2 things explaining how this would help them.  A committee of club members will go through the entries and present 5 to the club to select the winner.  

Deadline: February 28, 2025

Applications can be found outside of Mrs. Adams' office.

American Public Works Association

The Indiana Chapter of the American Public Works Association would like to offer an opportunity to Indiana high school seniors to receive our 2025 annual scholarship.  The scholarship is awarded to a high school senior who would pursue a degree program in a public works related field.  Such fields would include Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Parks and Recreation, Municipal Planning, Public Administration Public Works/Municipal Operations and Fleet Management among others.  The degree may be through a university or technical school course of study.  The scholarship awards $1000.00 annually for 4 years provided that the student demonstrates continued progress toward a public works field degree.  A paid annual membership to the American Public Works Association is included in the award.  Interested high school seniors should complete the attached application.  For additional information please go to our website at  

Deadline is April 18, 2025.