Online Registration is open!
Online registration is open, click HERE for more information.
In person registration Wednesday July 30th 8AM-2PM if you need technical assistance or computer access.

Union School Corporation

Mr. Carmony

Mr. Carmony Bio

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am Dan Carmony, a teacher of twenty-nine years. I currently teach agriculture at the high school and junior high health. I have been at Union for four years and I am currently the Varsity Boys Basketball Coach. I am married to wife Doris, and we have six children. I am a life long farmer and live on the family farm.
I can be reached by email at: [email protected]  
Mr. Carmony Bio Picture

Classroom Rules

1. Respect each other! Act like a high school student.
2. Every student is to be seated in his/her assigned seat when the class bell rings; then it is time to be quiet.
3. Pencils are to be sharpened before the tardy bell rings.
4. One person at a time speaks during class discussions.
5. During quiet time talk only if yiu have permission from the teacher.
6. Every student is required to stay seated the entire period unless they have permission from the teacher.
7. There will be no tolerating horseplay (tomfoolery), distracting noise, throwing of objects, hands or feet on others and their belongings.
8. All teachers and administrators will be addresssed as Miss, Mrs., Mr., or Coach _____.
9. Class assignments are due the next day unless otherwise indicated. Late assignments may be turned in, but they will have a grade deduction for tardiness.
10. No candy, snacks, or soft drinks are allowed in class. Chewing gum is allowed as long as it stays in the mouth and not on seats or desks. There will be no bubble blowing or popping of the gym.
11. Cheating of any nature will not be tolerated.
12. Group activities must be controlled and on task.
13. Restroom passes will be issued only in emergencies; only 2 passes will be issued per 9 weeks.

Natural Resources Virtual Day

Watch a agriculture video that is at least ten minutes long and write a half page summary.  

Animal Science Virtual Day

Watch an agriculture video that is at least ten minutes long and write a half page summary.    

Health 10 Virtual Day

Watch a health video and write a half page summary.  

Agribusiness Virtual Day

Watch an agriculture video that is at least ten minutes long and write a half page summary.   

Jr. High Health Virtual Day

Watch a health video and write a half page summary.  

Intro to Ag Virtual Day

Watch an agriculture video that is at least ten minutes long and write a half page summary.